Refridgerated Transport Best Practices

9 September 2022
 Categories: , Blog


Refrigerated transport keeps perishable products fresh during transit. Several interventions can help improve the success of refrigerated transport. Below is an article with some refrigerated transport best practices. 

Understand the Products in Transit 

You must comprehend the characteristics of the products in transit. For instance, some products should be kept frozen while others should be chilled. Others do well at room temperatures. Background research should help you determine the product's shelf life and the conditions that compromise its freshness. For instance, some products are humidity sensitive. On the other hand, food products will spoil due to contamination. Adequate preparation should help you avoid product spoilage. For instance, you should clean and sort food products before putting them in the refrigerated truck. Besides, your preferred packaging should guarantee air circulation inside the truck. 

Choose a Suitable Truck 

Consider these tips when choosing a refrigerated truck. 

  • The truck should be large enough to move your products. Remember, if you overload the truck or overstack your items, you risk reducing the efficiency of the refrigerated unit.
  • Examine the temperature ranges of the climate control unit. If possible, consider trucks with computerised or automated systems with a self-adjusting feature.
  • The refrigerated truck must be in excellent mechanical condition. Remember, a mechanical breakdown could cause product spoilage during transit.
  • If possible, the truck should have an independent refrigeration system (it could be solar-powered, for instance). This way, the products remain fresh regardless of whether the truck is moving or not.
  • When transporting products with different temperature ranges, go for trucks with interior compartments. 

Monitor the Products in Transit 

As a rule, test the refrigeration unit before packing items inside the truck. This way, you are sure that the system can achieve your desired temperatures. Besides, it allows you to cool the truck evenly and eliminate any moisture in the truck. For long-distance haulage, you must monitor the products at regular intervals. Remember, the refrigeration unit could suffer malfunctions during transit. Slight temperature variations could reduce the product life cycle. Moreover, you alter the internal temperatures if you open the truck doors or shut off the engine regularly. 

Work With Experienced Haulage Companies 

A refrigerated transport company should help you with the ins and outs of shipping your perishable products. Vet the company to ensure its personnel have the expertise to plan and execute refrigerated transport. Moreover, the company should offer guarantees and insure the items in transit. Remember to negotiate for reasonable pricing. 

Contact a company that offers refrigerated transport to learn more.